Multigen Petite Goldendoodle
Born: May 18, 2018
Colour: Red
Height: 16” at shoulder
Weight: 17lbs
Coat Type: Wavy, non shedding.
Disposition: She has a melt your heart temperament, which runs in the family.
Know For: Being voted the cutest doodle ever by just about everybody.
You Will Likely Find Her: Hanging out with her doodle brother and her human Mom.
Best Kept Secret: Likes to play dress up.

F2B Petite Goldendoodle
Born: March 1, 2013
Colour: Red with white tuxedo markings
Height: 16” at the shoulder.
Weight: 17lbs
Coat Type: Straight, non shedding.
Disposition: Quiet, and loves meeting new people.
Known For: Her amazing personality.
You Will Likely Find Her: Cuddled up around your neck on the back of the couch.
Remembers: Where she took her last nap.
Best Kept Secret: Shakes and quivers of excitement when she sees her leash and knows she’s going for a walk.

Purebred Moyen Poodle
Born: February 13, 2019
Colour: Blue merle
Height: 18″ at the shoulder
Weight: 20lbs
Coat: Curly, non shedding
Disposition: Playful and polite, eager to please
Known for: Meet and greet girl. Makes her people and dog friends feel at ease.
You will likely find her: Following her mom Robin around the barn
Remembers: Her doggy friends at the farm
Best kept secret: In love with Tux

F1B Miniature Goldendoodle
Born: November 9, 2018
Colour: Red
Height: 20” at the shoulder.
Weight: 34lbs
Coat Type: Wavy, non shedding.
Disposition: Most gentle and trustworthy with children.
Known For: Never having a bad day, she is always happy.
You Will Likely Find Her: Looking out the front door, barking at all the dogs walking by.
Remembers: Bus drop off for the kiddos.
Best Kept Secret: Loves car rides especially when we go pick up the kids from school/daycare.

F1B Miniature Goldendoodle
Born: May 20, 2018
Colour: Red
Height: 18” at the shoulder.
Weight: 21lbs
Coat Type: Wavy, non shedding.
Disposition: Athletic, cuddly, scaredy cat.
Known For: Her incredibly deep red colouring and her good looks.
You Will Likely Find Her: Cuddled up on the dog bed with her buddy Scout (black lab).
Remembers: When it’s time for you to go to work.
Best Kept Secret: Loves her crate.

F1B Mini Goldendoodle
Born: July 22, 2019
Colour: Red
Height: 20″ at the shoulder
Weight: 32lbs
Coat type: Curly, non shedding
Disposition: Bubbly and outgoing
Known for: Being a foodie
You will likely find her: Chewing on her favourite bone
Remembers: Dinner time!
Best kept secret: Reformed counter surfer

F2B Miniature Goldendoodle
Born: December 25, 2020
Colour: Red
Height: 20″ at the shoulder
Weight: 33lbs
Coat type: Curly, non shedding
Disposition: happy-go-lucky
Known for: jumping in the whelping box to take care of puppies
You will likely find her: at the neighbours, visiting her brother/littermate Rusty
Remembers: where all her furry friends live in the neighbourhood
Best kept secret: full name is “Starfire”, a character from the kids show Teen Titans Go!

F2B Miniature Goldendoodle
Born: June 3, 2019
Colour: Red
Height: 18″ at the shoulder
Weight: 24lbs
Coat type: Curly, non shedding
Disposition: vibrant, full of life
Known for: greeting you with a hay cube in hopes of playing a quick game of fetch
Best kept secret: she is the best snuggle partner
Genetics: ee, Kbkb, ata, BB, SS, FI, -/-, 9/10 red intensity, clear